As the nation's leader in youth development, the Y serves as a great stepping stone into youth activities. Classes are taught by highly-trained instructors in a fun and encouraging environment.


Students will learn the fundamentals of dance, how to control their body movements, and have a greater awareness of rhythm and music.

We offer dance classes for various ages and skill levels, so whether a beginner or a pro, you can learn it all. Our main goal is to provide our youth with opportunities to develop confidence and responsibility.

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Our gymnastics programs are designed to provide a safe, nurturing environment for children and youth to develop gymnastics skills as well as build self-confidence and develop their social skills.


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Youth will learn fine motor skills, tumbling skills, and cheer elements while building self-confidence and developing their social skills.

Cheerleading seasons vary for participating Y locations. Programs are available for multiple age groups.

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(210) 924-2277

or [email protected]